Batten down the Hatches!

Hurricane Idalia and the Pirate Ship at John's Pass

As Hurricane Idalia makes a beeline for the Florida coast, we’ve already completed preparations that will ensure our vessels will be safe from the storm. What does prepping for a hurricane involve, anyway?

The old nautical phrase batten down the hatches is often heard in times of duress. Used mostly by pirates and sailors, “batten down the hatches” means to be prepared for a difficult situation. In our case, it’s Hurricane Idalia, but even land-borne folks can scream “Batten down the hatches!” and the point will be made.

Historically speaking, to batten down the hatches meant to secure openings such as windows and doors with sturdy planks, called battens, aboard a ship. This would prevent water from flooding below deck. Needless to say, flooding below deck would be a very bad thing.

How do we prepare the Pirate Ship Royal Conquest, DolphinQuest and Shark Boat to weather a powerful storm? It all begins by preparing lines. Crewmembers spent Monday morning securing lines to the ship that will prevent damage from high winds. To keep the ship from bumping against the pilings or dock, we used what are called 'fenders.’ Think of them as you would a pillow for your head, only these pillows can prevent damage caused by forceful impacts. We’re also securing and storing loose items and merchandise, which all go inland until the storm passes.

Our three vessels then make the journey to an inland marina for safe keeping, far away from the storm surge which, at the time of this writing, is predicted to be up to 7’ at John’s Pass.

Sadly, this does mean that we are closed for the week and will not be running tours. However, we’re hopeful that we’ll be back up and running sooner rather than later.

Until then, if you are in the path of Idalia, “batten down the hatches” and stay safe!

Book a Cruise for September!

September is a transitional month between high seasons, but that doesn’t mean the cruises stop. We’re still rockin’ aboard the Royal Conquest and the dolphins are jumping for DolphinQuest and the Shark Boat. Head out on a 90-minute cruise of Boca Ciega Bay and escape the doldrums of September!


Did you know that you can learn about dolphins, pirates and general seafaring trivia on our blog? That’s right, we publish four articles monthly! Check us out and read all about our exciting lives as pirates.

Don’t forget that you can book with us online or by
calling us at (727)